6 Natural Home Remedies for

6 Natural Home Remedies for Allergies

In all its forms, allergy is generally regarded as a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. It usually occurs
when exposed to allergen and causes the body’s first line of defense to react- referred to as allergic reaction.

Should you worry about allergies and the so called allergic reaction? You should! Though, allergic reaction varies
from cases to cases, it is something to be warned of. Its signs and symptoms could be mild turned to severe
hypersensitivity that causes uncomfortable feelings and our very lives, may be at stake.

Hence, we need to take precautions so that we do not overexpose ourselves to trigger allergic reaction. It is wise to
familiarize ourselves to allergy disorder itself and be prepared to counteract in cases of attacks.

These are Home Remedies for Allergies

1. Hand washing and Shower: These are the famous universal precaution in preventing community acquired
diseases as well as allergy occurrence. When exposed, allergens can be washed away through this simple

2. Decongestant Remedy: Neti pots, Saline spray solution and steam inhaling process are among the well- known
methods to maneuver clogged nasal passages including the sensitive sinus cavities. It involves nasal cleansing
and mucus expectorant to loosen the increase production of mucus making way for enhanced breathing pattern.

3. Air conditioners and dehumidifiers: Allergies in known to be triggered by different allergens found in different
environment or surroundings. Prevent exposure to this allergy- causing pathogens through clean- air awareness.
Utilizing air conditioners and dehumidifiers helps to clean and purify the air we breathe in.

4. Boosts the Immune System: There are certain foods that can be of help to enhance the immune system in
combating infection and allergy- causing allergens. Some of these includes butterbur extract- reduce airway
inflammation, Pineapple- a Bromelain- rich fruit acts as strong  anti- inflammatory and a good source of Vitamin
C, Honey- a highly nutritious food that has antioxidants property such as chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C,
catalase, and pinocembrin, and green tea- contains antioxidant enzyme that prevents allergic reactions. In
addition, spicy foods, garlic, and horseradish do have an active component that has known decongestant effect.

5. Decongestants from Herbs: Eucalyptus oil and peppermint produces an aromatic vapor that function as
decongestant. It is favorably used by many hypersensitive individuals.

6. Minimize Exposure to allergens: If you do have allergies or exhibit symptoms allergies, the best preventive
measure is to stay away from the environment or exercise precaution in the food that you eat. As much as
possible, never expose yourself. Remember: Prevention is better than cure. Clean surrounding facilitates healthy
living. That’s a must to eliminate pathogens and allergens.

Importantly, it essential to note that these suggestions are only preventive measures. Seek medical attention
immediately if allergic reaction persists. Some reactions are too severe that medication is required to stimulate better
breathing through lung expansion. Never underestimate the existence of simple symptoms ruled as mild reaction, you
may not know that this could lead to a fatal condition.